Alleged catalytic converter thieves arrested in San Mateo | Local News |

2022-04-02 07:28:12 By : Mr. Qizhong Huang

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An alert witness spurred police action in San Mateo that led to the arrest of two men for allegedly stealing a catalytic converter on the 700 block of South Claremont Street the evening of Jan. 12, according to police.

At about 8:15 a.m., Wednesday, Jan. 12, officers were dispatched to the location after a witness heard the sound of a saw outside his business and saw someone removing the catalytic converter while another man remained in a dark Honda. Once the catalytic converter was removed, they drove south on South Claremont Street and an officer located it heading south on South B Street. The car was stopped on 11th Avenue at South B Street and the two were identified during an in-field lineup as Jose Guerrero Ramirez, the driver, and Samuel Gonzalez, the passenger. Both are 33, from San Pablo, according to police.

A search of the vehicle yielded two catalytic converters, two reciprocating saws, additional saw blades, a car jack, drug paraphernalia and suspected methamphetamine. Both were issued citations to appear due to COVID protocol, according to police.

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Thanks, Ray, for filling me in on just another horrible act I wasn't aware of! No end to it, it seems.

Congrats, Rudy, on writing a column that has inspired a lively exchange of ideas.

I think you are on the right track. Michael Donald was lynched in 1981 in Alabama.

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